Saturday 3 January 2009


Just a quick post to great ya'll a belated happy new year and merry christmas! lol I haven't had time to post as I've been busy with uni and other stuff! Hope you all had a good time!! As for me, I had a pretty good new year :)

Has anyone seen twilight?! Omg I went to the cinema yesterday and it was ssooooo good! ROBERT PATTINSON IS SSOOOO HOT!!! xD I usually hate cheesy romance movies but this one is ssoooo good! I needed a pee and I couldn't go to the toilet because I didn't wanna miss a part! lmao Anyways I will be getting the book as soon as my asignments and exams are done and over with... ffs!!! That'll not be untill the last week of January! Hhhmmmpppmmmmh! Speaking of asignments, I'm meant to be getting on with it, not blogging! haha