Wednesday 3 December 2008

no-one on the corner has swagga like moi

omg over a month of not blogging! I cannot believe I didn't have any post for november! urgghh!!

I haven't been well for the past couple of weeks. It's been really cold lately and it has taken its toll on me! I had bad asthma attacks, I even lost my voice I couldn't talk for a day! I'm alright now thanks to my medications! phheeww! Despite the fact that I'm ill and how cold it is, it doesn't put me off shopping. I didn't buy any make-up. I cba with make-up these days, I only wear powder, mascara and a bit of blush if I'm bothered! Instead, I got some new shoes, coats and jackets [cba to take a picture]! Its nearly christmas! yayyy!! xDD I haven't got anyone presents yet :\

I went to my GP today because for the past two days, I have been getting severe ear aches which is causing headaches and pains on my neck. I found out that I got an ear infection. Yikes! I clean my ears everyday so that's not the reason why I got it. I got it because when I take a shower, I wash my whole body first and then I wash my hair separately [like how they do it at the salon]. When I was washing my hair, I did felt water come in my ear but I managed to get it out. Well I thought I did, but the doc said that there was some water left in my ear which caused the infection. :X I'm currently taking some medications, I hope it'll get well soon because it really is so painful :(

I'm bombarded with so many asignments and revision to do.. god help me! lol I'm off to catch up on Desperate Housewives!! Wwwwoooooo!!!!

I changed my song to Swagga Like Us.. I love that song!

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