Tuesday 3 February 2009


So its been snow days 2 days in a row, how good is that?! Classes were cancelled yesterday and today! wooop! Its good I get to miss 2 days of uni. :D I couldn't be arsed to take pictures (it was cold I couldn't be bothered to go out). I sort of regret not taking pictures since this is apparently one of the heaviest snowfalls in 18 years! :( oh well.. But I did manage to take a picture of the snow today (Please excuse the wardrobe malfuction! I just picked up what I saw first thing.. haha)

I'm not going to talk about my shopping trips on this post and how I bought this, that, blah blah.. I think that's just getting boring. As you all already know how I LOVE SHOPPING. Errmm, actually I'll just talk about one thing that I've been wanting to buy: Urban Decay Book Of Shadows. I wanted to buy for Christmas but it was out of stock! Argghh!!

Anyways back to reality. Just a little over a week ago I have finished with my exams and assignments. Phew! I'm glad that's done and over it. I was a stresshead for the whole 2 weeks. I procrastinated doing my assignments and exams a week before the actual deadline. Ooops. I'm not even gonna say that I seriously should stop procrastinating now because like with most things, its easier said than done. Urgh what a bad start of the new year so far! =/ And fyi, I'm having a crappy start of 2009. Like seriously atm, I'm NOT HAPPY. There's just a few things which are frustrating me at the moment.

Anyways enough about the rant. I'm gonna have quite of a busy week. I'm not sure yet but I'm planning to go to London on Thursday! wwooooo!!! I haven't been to London for ages and I miss it to bits! I'm gonna try and enjoy it this week because I'll be starting placement next week. :((

And omg my friends bought me a copy of Twilight for my birthday and I love it! Its rather addictive once you start reading it. I'm thinking of buying the other books! And I love EDWARD CULLEN, he's acts like a gentleman and he's cute.. what more do want in a boyfriend?! lols How I wish I'm Bella! xD

Saturday 3 January 2009


Just a quick post to great ya'll a belated happy new year and merry christmas! lol I haven't had time to post as I've been busy with uni and other stuff! Hope you all had a good time!! As for me, I had a pretty good new year :)

Has anyone seen twilight?! Omg I went to the cinema yesterday and it was ssooooo good! ROBERT PATTINSON IS SSOOOO HOT!!! xD I usually hate cheesy romance movies but this one is ssoooo good! I needed a pee and I couldn't go to the toilet because I didn't wanna miss a part! lmao Anyways I will be getting the book as soon as my asignments and exams are done and over with... ffs!!! That'll not be untill the last week of January! Hhhmmmpppmmmmh! Speaking of asignments, I'm meant to be getting on with it, not blogging! haha