Tuesday 15 June 2010

Semester B Results!

Sooo got my results last Friday! Can't believe I totally forgot to blog?! :S They made me wait the whole day for it. :| Glad to have them now though so the wait is over! :D Tan-tan-ta-ta-tash! *drum roll* I got two 'A's for my modules!! :D:D:D THANK GOD :) I'm really thankful and impressed as so far in Uni, I have been getting A's! I swear I was never really an A student. I was always like a C student. LOL

Now just ONE MORE EXAM left then it's summer baby! I haven't been revising so I'm f*cked. I blame it on my placement, 5 days a week of work, damn it! I'm halfway placement now though, glad in a way but nervous at the same time as that would mean my exam is getting closer and closer. One thing I'll be glad about when I've finished with this placement is that I will no longer be dealing with bitchiness. As I've had to work with one of the bitchiest people I ever met. Honestly, there's always someone bitching about their colleage in every corner, in every break and lunch. Ugh, what a turn-off. They have no professionalism whatsoever, some of the women there as well have such loud mouths. It pisses me off, specially the bitchiness :|

I'm off to do a bit of bed time reading and note taking (revision) seeing as I failed to do some when I got home. Stupid facebook distracting me. I SWEAR I'M GONNA DE-ACTIVATE IT.

Monday 7 June 2010

Long Time..

I keep on forgetting to post on my blog. :( Anyways nothing new really. I just read through my last entry and I was talking about results for Sem A. I'm pleased with results from Sem A! Got an A2 for my assignment! :D What a relief as I'm not one of those people that think I'm good at everything and assume that I'll get top marks! haha PHEW! Now its time for the Sem B results which I'm waiting for >.< Got my fingers crossed on that.. Oh GOSH :O

I'm currently on placement at an Outpatients clinic which is quite good at least its much better than my last placement. I literally have no life other than placement and home. Got exams on July 5 which I'm worried about. I have to work Mondays - Fridays, meaning that I don't have that much time to revise as I get so tired from placement. When I come home I just want eat and then sleep. That's how tired I get. I haven't actually been going out lately, to try and get some revision done and it hasn't been successfull. *sighs* Got so much to revise and I've done about 2% out of the whole.. What a huge progress! haha