Tuesday 31 August 2010


OMG I am not doing so well blogging! I have placement and have been really busy and tired! Ugh, can't wait till its over! I have another 3 weeks to go. :O

I'm still to grow my eyebrows back :/ Anywho, still re-thinking to have or wether not to have braces this year? As I'm thinking of starting my driving lessons again and can't manage to do both at the same time. :( I really need to get a job!

Anyways this is my "Neutral" look that I seem to do almost everytime I feel like wearing eyeshadows:

MAC Malt e/s (all over lid to crease)
Too Faced Palette Starlette (Light Colour - Lid)
Too Faced Palette The Tempress (Dark Colour - Crease)
Estee Lauder Taupe (outer v)

Oooh yeah I was in a rush so I forgot to put a highlighter on my brow bone. :O

Friday 20 August 2010

Summer is nearly over

OMG I can't believe I haven't blogged as much! Anyways my summer have been busy and pretty much awesome! My cousin came over and we spent a lot of time bonding, shopping and partying! :D I have done quite a lot of looks as I had my cousin to practice on, unfortunately I didn't get to take pictures as we were always rushing! Anywho, I will have to recreate some of the looks that I did to her soon before I go back to placement. I start on Monday so I have the weekend to do it. I'm really not looking forward to that placement as I've been there before and some people I had to work with were quite bitchy. uggh, girls ehh? lol

As I stated on my previous post, I was ill. I was ok about 2 weeks ago but now, I have a cough and cold again.. just in time for my placement. :| My voice is literally running out and I sound croaky. I will update on pictures a bit later as I am using my crappy net book which is even slower than a turtle.

I finally managed to get a consultation with an orthodontist regarding my teeth. OMG my Mum paid £80 for it and my treatment is gonna be worth £3500! Initial payment of £850 and 2 monthly instalment of £350 for 8 months. :O Where the heck am I supposed to get all that money from?!?! :$ My parents are offering to pay for it but I really can't let them for it as we need a new car. I really need to find a job! Not to mention I have to start doing my driving lessons again!! FML, someone shoot me now, I'm in a financial crisis. LOL I have to stop shoppping for clothes and make-up. :(( I'm really broke right now as I did too much shopping so I have like £20 left in bank card.

Here are some photos (more to come):

Saturday 7 August 2010


I really don't feel well today.. Honestly I just feel like lying in bed all day. Anyways yesterday I quickly went to MAC to get a lid colour for a neutral/pin-up look. I think I got the wrong colour (Malt). Ugh, I hate how they have bad lightning in their stalls. It actually looks kinda pink-ish on my lid. I did attempt to make a neutral look but its a failure :(

Thursday 5 August 2010


Ok ssoooo here I'm posting another FOTD, I swear it looks similar to yesterdays but I made it a bit darker ;D and used a lighter lid colour as a base (clinique eyeshadow duo like mink - lighter colour). Whilst I was doing this, I was ooohh nnooo I did it wrong! But it actually went well..

I'll edit the photos and add more soon as I'm using my sisters laptop and don't know how to re-size photos on here.

Anyways, I've been to cinema quite a lot lately. The best movie I've seen has to be TOY STORY 3!! OMG I freakin love it! It was hilarious specially when buzz lightyear turned into spanish mode.. lmao. The others are all crap, inception was not my cup of tea, cats and dogs are wayyy to childish for me. I thought cats and dogs was gonna be funny though :S

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Summer update

Sssooo I've finished my placement and exams around the first week of June =D Summer has not really been all that exciting as there were trips planned but some were cancelled. Went clubbing last week in Batchwoods but didn't really have a great time anyways as I didn't really feel like going out but went out as I already agreed to go earlier.. :? :// Oh well. And the weather hasn't really been all that good lately. It just can't make its mind up, first its sunny then it rains.. >:O

I got my exam result and I passed! Phew!! Thank God! :D It was hard to manage placement and studying at the same time. I did manage to study couple of days before the exam though.. Yayyy go me! Third Year, here I come :) I really didn't expect all the grades I got from first year all straight A's for my assignments, so I really am thankful to God for blessing me :)

Oh and again, I got lazy doing my own eyebrows so I decided to go to a salon in Welwyn for the first time ever to get it done.. and guess What??!?!? She ruined my eyebrows!! *cries* I said "NOT TOO THIN!" AARRRGGHH I FREAKIN HATE THIN EYEBROWS! Now I'm gonna have to grow it out again :O:O:O I'm officially traumatized going to a salon to get my eyebrows fixed so from now on I'm just gonna do it myself. I can't believe this happened to me again?!?! uggghhh!

Anywho, I did go MAC shopping about two weeks ago (gosh it really does burn a whole on my pocket, I'd rather spend it on food.. dominos pizza anyone?) and bought some eyeshadows. I have also been shopping, shopping, shopping for clothes! ha! I just love SELFRIGES and MILTON KEYNES wayyyy too much! Now i'm broke! :O Anyways back to the point! I'm not good at make-up so I'm thinking of posting looks on my blog just because I tend to forget what I colours I've used and to practice. I tend to look back at my pictures and think "what have I used for that again?"! LMAO.

So here's my FOTD as they say! Haha:

MAC All that glitters e/s
Bare Minerals Downtown e/s
Estee Lauder Taupe e/s
Bare Minerals ??(forgot the colour) e/s

Oh ALL THAT GLITTERS is that eyeshadow some stupid Make-up artist picked for me and its not my favourite, don't even know why I bought it?? ¬¬ which is why I decided to use it today for some random looks that I can use for the day.. I swear some make-up artists in MAC are just incompetent! They do my freakin head in. One time, I went there, an MA recommended a silver thingy for a smokey look? Just how on earth does that go with my skintone??!?! I'm BROWN!!! And another thing, I was looking for my shade and I was recommended I was an NW?? OMFG, how am I an NW if I clearly have yellow undertones! :S :O

I'm off to eat my Roast Beef dinner with Yorkshire pudding! yuummmmyyyyy