Tuesday 16 February 2010

First Post of 2010 :D

Omg I've completely abandoned this blog. I'm sorry :(( I didn't really feel like blogging anymore before as I feel like I've had nothing interesting to talk about but nevermind, I'm back now :D

Well what can I say I can't believe its 2010.. how quick! It's been more than a year since my last post. 2009 was a blast! I spent the New Year with my family at Leicester which was awesome :D Oh and have I mentioned that I turned the BIG 20 on the January 6? Omg I feel ssooooo old. I didn't do anything special on my birthday just spent my day with the family. It snowed heavily as well! It did snow tons before and after my birthday but I didn't bother taking pictures as I was being lazy and too cold to go out. LOL I went out couple of days before christmas in the local town, it snowed heavily and we got stranded so we all had to stay in a hotel. ahahaha I kinda got the feeling we'll get stranded, I wasn't gonna go out but I did anyways as we planned it and everyone got excited. Oh well.

Anyways more about life. I have survived being in the first year at uni :) with all the procrastinating, *sighs* nothing ever changes. :-( Not bragging or boasting but to be fair, I'm pretty satisfied with my grades from last year few A's here and there. How surprising =O! It feels kinda strange being a second year uni student and not referring to myself as a "fresher/freshman" anymore. :-S Not to mention some friends that I have gotten close to have left the course :( There's definitely more pressure, more workload and high expectations from everyone! aarrgghhh..

I really really want to write more but I have things to do right now so I'll leave it till next time. I have to wake up early for placement tomorrow.. :( Ciao!

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